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Thursday, August 09, 2007
HBO, I aint got it
So I admit. I do not have cable, much less HBO. There, I said it, its on the table.

BUT, I was having lunch at a friends, browsing through the OnDemand Section, and the HBO Voyeur series caught my attention, specifically because the shows were only 5 min. each. Granted the series is about 6 weeks old, but it is news to me.

I was instantly engaged, as it is a collection of clips, looking into a series of buildings during the same 5 min. window. One doesn't entirely make sense with out the other doesn't make sense without the other doesn't make sense.

The concept itself is quite engaging, and forward thinking. Driven to the Flash site (a perfect opportunity to have a 100% flash site, not dependent on SEO), the layout, music, etc. just extended that peeping Tom brand.

I was stoked to see the link to "thestorygetsdeeper.com," and couldn't wait to see how far HBO would take it. Apparently (unless it is a publicity stunt), somebody took it too far with the CGC, because HBO froze the Blog:

"Due to a corruption of administrative privileges this web log has been archived by HBO ADMIN VP . TheStoryGetsDeeper.com is no longer live, all content is frozen, and comments have been disabled. Visitors can view archived posts by clicking under recent entries or by searching for a particular term. HBO VOYEURS should refer to HBO forum for most recent discussions about the HBO Voyeur Project."

Regardless, keep doing what your doing HBO. We love it.
Posted by: Andy at 2:13 PM  |  Permalink

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