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Friday, February 23, 2007
Russian Spam
I really really really try not to get on my soapbox, but regardless of how annoying image spam that originates from the far reaches of the world, there is nothing worse than getting spam from legitimate companies, people, and organizations. Yesterday morning, I recd. an email from the National Development Institute, promoting the Nonprofit Marketing & Public Relations Conference at the EDVENTURE CHILDREN's MUSEUM - COLUMBIA, SC - March 27, 2007.

I usually hit the delete button on such nefarious emails, but this one in particular got under my skin. Here is why:

First, I simply tried to unsubscribe, using the instructions that they provided. "Send an email to unsubscribe@nonprofitconference.info, with the subject line REMOVE." The email bounced.

Secondly, I simply replied to the "FROM" address in the email. It bounced as well. No surprise that the nonprofitconference.info domain has been suspended.

Thirdly, I looked for a physical address in the email, so I could mail a letter, requesting to be removed from the list. There was not a physical address.

3 violations of the CAN-SPAM Act.

Fourthly, I drilled into the website, and emailed the person direct, that was listed in the email as being in charge of the event: Jimmy LaRose. I let Jimmy know about the problems with the email, and furthermore, inquired to how in the world I got onto his list. Guess what, 24 hours and still no response.

Now what? Do I complain to the ISP? I would rather not.
I gave Jim the benefit of the doubt, but as of today, those unsubscribe emails are still bouncing.

I am not going to get into the IP address that the email was sent from, but I just wonder what the board members and sponsors of this event would think, knowing that they are spamming?

I figure I will just blog about it, send a copy to Jim, and keep you in the loop on any developments.
Posted by: Andy at 9:42 AM  |  Permalink

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