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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Small Lists, Better Results: List Segmentation
If you have read any of the eROI quarterly email statistics, you will see a consistent trend of smaller email list size, resulting in higher open and click rates.

This doesn't mean that you have to reduce the size of your mailings. What it does imply, is that you should try to break your lists into more targeted groups, and use dynamic data rules or placeholders to deliver content that is relevant to the recipient.

Traditionally, I have focused on 3 ways of segmenting stakeholders:
1. Demographic: Geo, Age, Gender, Language, Marital Status, etc.
2. Behavioral: Usage Rate, click history, purchase method (online, phone, in person)
3. Psychographic or IAO (Interests, Attitudes, and Opinions): Personality, values, lifestyle, etc.

In a recent webinar, Alex Williams, points out 2 additional methods that really make sense.

The first, or 4th if you are keeping track, is:
4. Stage the customer lifecycle: Have they simply expressed interest (newsletter), are they engaged with a salesman, a customer (if so, how can you up/cross sell).

The 5th is a mix of IAO, behavior, and stage in the customer lifecycle. Just winging it, I will call it:
5. Brand Relationship: How long have they been on your mailing list (familiarity with what you have to say), do they forward campaigns (brand evangelists), are they engaged with you at multiple points (newsletter, events, webinar attendees, etc.)

Hear what Alex has to say yourself.
Posted by: Andy at 7:49 PM  |  Permalink

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