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eROI Blog
Email Marketing News, Articles, and Strategies
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Email Addiction is Real - Take the Survey
We are always asking people what they think about certain issues facing the internet and web marketing. We started last month asking people about their email inbox preferences. Seemed that we hit a nerve as so many marketing sites and bloggers picked up on it and carried the message around the global block.

This month we are curious about another issue, time management and needs. Not from a business perspective, but from a consumer/lifestyle perspective. We are all becoming internet junkies and what impact is this having on our lives outside of work? Is there a life outside of work as there used to be?

Help us understand how the world is changing between work and life and we will post the results for you in September.

Take the Email Addiction Survey and see where you stand >>
Posted by: DTB at 9:17 PM  |  Permalink

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