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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Prufread Those E-Mail Messages!
Prufread Those E-Mail Messages!

Don't worry. I'm not going to name any names or embarrass anyone. But I've noticed an amazing amount of typos in the business-to-business (B2B) e-mail messages in my inbox lately. Sometimes they're right in the subject line (as with this column's title)!

You'd never let a print ad appear with a typo in the headline. Yet an e-mail subject line is more likely to be read by prospects, who scan their inboxes as a part of their daily work, than is a print ad buried deep in a business magazine they may never get around to reading.

And if prospects read your e-mail, what opinion will they have of you or your message if it has glaring typos? Don't forget, e-mail is often forwarded and printed out for future reference or to be passed along to colleagues. Consequences of those mistakes may linger longer, and be more far-reaching, than anticipated.

Prufread Those E-Mail Messages!
Posted by: DTB at 9:14 PM  |  Permalink

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