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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Campaign URLs: Readers Respond
What's the best way to manage campaign URLs in broad-based communications? Lacking real-world research, I asked in my last column for your collective wisdom on the issue. Is it better to use a campaign URL, such as www.newcampaign.com, or an extension of the brand URL, such as www.client.com/newcampaign?

You sent a wealth of input and advice. As promised, I'll share the booty. Advertiser and agency staffers sent a total of 78 responses. Overall, they reflect a preference for campaign URLs (61 out of 78).

In summary, the reasons were:

If the primary objective is to promote a brand message, use a specific URL that reflects the core idea of the brand message. People will more readily remember it and type it into the browser.

You can leverage a theme line or message in a URL to drive higher message awareness.
Names and specifics were removed, as promised. Here's what you had to say.

Read : Campaign URLs: Readers Respond
Posted by: DTB at 9:36 AM  |  Permalink

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