How many news stories do you read that are like this? These blacklist wars can last forever. One company complains about spam coming from a certain IP range, blocks it and tells the owner of the offending IP blocks to clean up its act. Meanwhile, the spammers who have been utilizing those IPs to send spam have moved on to a new IP address and are continuing to send.
Folks, blacklists don't work for exactly the reason I just gave. As soon as a spammer's IP is blocked, he gets a new one and continues to send. Meanwhile, the poor guy who inherits that IP from a spammer quickly finds that he's on a blacklist and can't get legitimate email delivered. Occasionally, you'll see a drastic action like the one in the article I linked above - an entire ISP or even a whole country gets blacklisted and IT folks and legit ISP customers are left holding the bag.
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at 9:23 AM |