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Saturday, March 27, 2004
Anticipating RSS Spam
We've seen Usenet spam, email spam, search engine spam, IM spam, and Weblog comment spam -- how long will it take before we see RSS spam?

My RSS aggregator looks for new items and lets me know when a new item appears on a feed I read. It's easy to imagine a very malicious feed that would just always make its entries appear "new" -- change them subtly, report that they were just written, or whatever -- so that its items would always show up in my aggregator -- but I'd just unsubscribe. This "Fake New Item" approach could be used more subtly, though, such that I'd be less likely to unsubscribe. Let's say a news site wants to include an advertising entry amongst its news entries -- they could set it up, say, so that the ad shows up as new four times a day.
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Posted by: DTB at 2:30 PM  |  Permalink

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