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Saturday, February 07, 2004
Goodmail Proposes Novel Solution to Spam: Stamps
A company called Goodmail may just have figured out how to actually thwart spammers: charge money to send email. Sounds like wishful thinking? Well, Microsoft, Yahoo and Amazon are actually taking the idea fairly seriously.

The basic premise is that mass emailers would have to pay a penny per message for their emails to clear across large ISPs that opt into the system. The penny would be split between the ISPs and Goodmail, which would use an encryption algorithm to validate the messages. Goodmail would, presumably, verify that all the senders are good guys not pushing penis pills and the other scams. Individuals sending emails to their friends and family would not be affected. But who knows what would happen if you try to CC 20 friends about a party, or colleagues about a work event.
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Posted by: DTB at 5:22 PM  |  Permalink

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