If It's Tuesday, They Must Be Sending: Study Finds It's Heaviest Email Marketing Day Of The Week - But Is Anyone Opening Them
Tuesday is the most popular day for companies to send emails to users, but it is Wednesday that most recipients actually open them. Those are among the seemingly logical conclusions of the Delivery Trends Report, the first in what is expected to be a quarterly series of email marketing reports from EmailLabs.
Weekday traffic aside, the report also reveals a potentially alarming development that may have gone unseen by many email marketers. While recipients are tending not to "unsubscribe" from their email lists, many are likely to simply delete unwanted emails. As a result, EmailLabs finds many email marketers are taking steps to eliminate names of subscribers who do not open a specified number of emails in a row, or are asking those subscribers to re-opt in.
Read email news >> Posted by: DTB
at 9:17 PM |