B2B EMAIL MARKETING MASTERCLASS: The Revolution Masterclass on B2b email marketing
With business-to-business emailings, marketers need to be aware of the subtle differences from consumer campaigns, says Charlotte Goddard.
Email marketing is just as effective in targeting a business market as a consumer one, but there are some crucial differences. To start with, b2b marketers require a much greater degree of sophistication from their email lists and as a minimum they'll want to know the names, job titles and company names of their targets, as well as their email address. However, while a lot of companies offer direct-mail lists for b2b, email lists are developing more slowly. "List owners are reluctant to market their data due to fear of loss of control," says Richard Gibson, head of list development at Mardev, a division of Reed Business Information. "People want to try b2b email, but the options are limited due to lack of data."
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