Permission. It's defined as "formal consent" to do something.
Permission is a hot topic in email marketing. Take a quick look at what it is, what it isn't, and how to go about getting it.
Permission must be granted.
Permission cannot be assumed. This general rule is probably the best measure of permission. Truthfully ask yourself if the names on your list have actually granted you permission to email them, or if you assuming they want to receive messages from you.
WIIFM (what's in it for me?)
Recipients need to understand "what's in it for me?" You'll have a much more effective and content audience if you consider their needs in your permission process and your email campaign.
Permission can be revoked.
Recipients need the ability and have every right to be removed from your list. The easier and clearer you make this process, the more loyal your list will be.
Permission cannot be transferred.
Just because you have permission from someone to send them an email, that does not give you the right to provide their name to any other entity. This includes your distributors, parent organizations, associations, etc.
Permission is NOT Granted...
If I throw a card in a fishbowl at a trade event. Just because you have people throw their cards in, that does not mean they have given you permission? Unless you clearly state that by doing so, they give you permission to email them specific information.
If you ask me for my email address as part of the data gathered in the sales process? Unless, again, you clearly state that by doing so, they give you permission to send them specific information. ("May I add you to our mailing list to receive periodic?")
If I fill out a request for information on your Web site? Unless (you guessed it) you clearly have them opt in and give you permission to send them specific information or a specific newsletter
Ways to Gain Permission...
The golden rule: just clearly ask for permission. You'll be amazed at how people will positively respond if they understand the situation, and what they'll receive as a result. Again think of the WIIFM rule!
(i.e. Click here if you would like to receive our email newsletter.) This is the standard, and most common, method of permission.
Double opt-in:
(i.e. Click here if you would like to receive our email newsletter, then receive a verification email that you must respond to in order to double opt-in.) Although this method is lengthy, and your list size grows at a slower rate, the people who double opt-in are giving you a very strong permission to email to them.
(i.e. Click here if you do NOT want to receive our email newsletter.) This method is frowned upon, and is somewhat deceiving to the recipient. Opt-out methods are quickly becoming associated with SPAM techniques.
We hope that this gives you a clear understanding of how to build trusting relationships and grow existing relationships with your subscriber base.
Posted by: DTB
at 8:56 AM |